1: Courage & Vulnerability


Hello. Hello. Welcome back.It's good to. Be here. Great to connect. I'm really curious to know what would make the biggest difference for. You to talk about right now together. What's calling you to speak about?


Interesting. I like any of the topics. That we have. Planned. I want to talk about courage and vulnerability and the courage to be seen exactly as you are.


Yeah, and. I'm really motivated to explore that as well and build upon the courage to be honest.


Because I think. It's honestly, it's the foundation of connection, really, isn't it? Yeah. And I I. Read somewhere that was talking about how trust is built, and I think there's lots of misconceptions about how trust is built and. That you know. We'll have to trust them before we. Can build a relationship and the irony is. That trust is built by lots of little vulnerabilities and. Sharing some of that and then you go. Oh, they shared. Something that was wonderful. So now I feel brave enough to share something, and then both. Hold that one building. The space and trust and so on.


Yeah, but I feel like you. Almost need to learn how to trust yourself authentically, and how heartily trust someone else. And that and that. Happens in the same way, yes, yes.


I hadn't thought of it like that. there's also a little. Vulnerabilities sharing with yourself. Always unconscious. Thoughts that you. Maybe not proud of.


No. Or when you get really. Real with yourself and you, really. Look at yourself and experience, you know and. Not who? Maybe. You want to be or who someone else wants you. To be or. Have someone else sees you? Yeah, it's great to.


Do that. It's so brave.


The foundation, isn't it too? Seeing someone else for who they are, yeah.


And I I know we talked about starting this podcast. I had had a few people express. Yeah, I suppose around. Talking about stuff. On a public platform. Did you have the same experience?


I have been selective in. Talking about our Beautiful connection podcast, so I've really, I've I've hardly told anyone. And I've done that on purpose because for me, I wanted it to be a bit of a sacred space. For us. And sometimes as a writer. When I talk about a project in its infancy, it loses something. Yes, so? It kind of felt like a similar process, but I must say I had an eternal experience of really wanting to talk about. Several topics. Am I brave enough to really go? All in here. And what are the ramifications of that? My family or my career, my friend, has?


And I think that's. The fear that was being reflected. Back because the. People who were saying they were frightened for me, they were. They love me. And I think it's some of. Their fear to be seen. Was coming out and going. Oh, no. Don't you be seeing because that might that might be they make it hurt or it might be scary and so. I'm curious what my. You to go decide, I guess. Even I've got these. Topics I want to talk about, and. It feels a little scary and vulnerable. We'll. Make you go. Yeah. Alright, let's do it.


I think what? Helped me to feel safe in doing it. Is that? I really trust myself to uphold the privacy of other people that are maybe on the outskirts of the topics. It's not really trust my integrity around that, and I also just, I'm really fascinated by the human condition. Yes. And I just find that it's it's so interesting and I think we can take ourselves too seriously and and to be honest, I myself. I care about what people think 100%, but I'm also really aware that other people's opinion. Influenced by a whole bunch of other stuff and not just what I have said yes at the.


Moment. So they've got their own perspective shining on it too. Not necessarily what's internally. Happening for you?


Yeah. And I think curiosity. Yeah, like, what's going to. Come out in these conversations.


Oh, look. Yeah, and it's anyone's guess.


With us. Yes, yes, yes it is anyones. guess yes.


What made you decide to? Do it, I think going through a. Huge transformation period. I suppose I feel like. In the last. Eight or nine months. It's interesting when I like you see where I'm seeing in terms of like businesses and career and where I want to be. Sometimes I feel like I'm not moving. And then when I. Built into it was it. Around and look back at how. Far I've come.

I realized, oh, oh, actually I. Don't. I'm sure period of time and. It's really easy to. Lose sight of that, but how that? Then maybe decided to do this was. Instead of sitting and. It was always cool to do a podcast. I don't know what it is. I remember saying to my husband, actually the week before I said hey, give me do you? Want to do a. Podcast I'm being close. To a podcast, I don't know. Now we would just don't be surprised. If one day I come home and. I'm telling you I'm doing podcast and God love him. He's supportive as anything. Goes OK and. I think it was. Just like getting out there and doing them doing. Like I could sit here and go to be perfect before I start. Or I could just. Give it a. Crack. Yeah. And it's not going to be perfect to start with because what years, but rather than sit here and go one. Day I'm going to do a podcast. I was like I found a person who I think we would have the most beautiful conversations in fact, but I don't. Think I know we have those conversations because.


We have them.


Already and I thought. Why not share that?


Why not have more? Yeah, I think that was my main motivator is that I just find our conversations so generative and restorative. Just to it's a beautiful space that we've created.


Yeah, it is and. It just kind of happened organically, I think and. I think that's part of the beauty. Of it it just. Just yes, you just asking me.


You just ask. OK.


Yeah. So in some of the like feeling vulnerable and courageous to do it, I think. It still does feel a little bit scary to press publish, but. At the same time in. The light of just do. Because you can refine later and. If you are wonderful and amazing exactly as you are, then. The fear, like what was the fears of being seen? Or is it being judged?


Which raises something for me in that I think we present a curated. Version of ourselves across contexts and across roles, yes. And something that I've been working on for the last two years. And in fact, I actually got coaching for that was to experience a sense of integration in all areas of my life. And obviously we use ourselves intentionally in the different areas. But to feel a sense of wholeness and like me. Recognisably me, yeah. Plus, all of those different spaces. It did raise that, yes, there's still an element that I'm curating, and if I'm completely honest. About certain topics. With you and. Then share them. Yes. What impact does that have? Yeah. Or other people.


Yeah, because obviously you know. People listening or just hearing? Cast. They may or may not know either of us in our real lives our their lives. But you know in.


Person no, but I think my I'm focused. My circle on that.


Yes. Yeah, yeah. How will it impact the people in? Your circle about what we share, yeah. And I think we've talked before about being. Really intentional about being vulnerable and honest. With our audience and real as us. But also keep in mind. That there are. Other people who. Have the shared experience with us, like if it's a story involves us and anybody else. You know the other person. Has a story too and. Not just our version.


So yeah, and it's not necessarily. Our right or privilege to be able to tell their story. Yes. Yeah, absolutely.

1: Courage & Vulnerability
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