The New Year

We reflect on the launch of the podcast and the growth and change we have experienced in 2023. We delve into perspectives on New Year's resolutions and goal setting, emphasizing the importance of valued-based living and reflective practice. We  explore the relationship between joy and pain and the practice of maintaining hope. Kimmy shares her practice for New Years Eve, and how it might be something you would like to start too! The episode concludes with a message of gratitude and well wishes for the new year.
  • Launching a podcast has been exciting and a transformative experience
  • Valued-based living and reflective practice can be more fulfilling than traditional goal setting.
  • Embracing both joy and pain is essential for personal growth.
  • Writing as a reflection tool can provide hope and serve as a snapshot of personal growth.
  • Expressing gratitude and fostering connection are important for overall well-being.

The New Year
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